mandag 24. mai 2010

The world's occeans are getting warmer and warmer

These days there are more talk about red shirts in Thailand, volcano eruption in Iceland or economic crises in Greece and EU than about climate changes. What a pity, we can survive some conflicts, a minor volcano eruption and a EU in crisis. It's really bad for those that experience all this; my symphaty is with all the people in both Thailand, Iceland and in Greece, but there are problems that are greater than these. One of the major problems are the climate changes. I still have not decided if I believe if it's human made or if it's natural. But something is for sure; I will not act as if it's natural, I feel we can't afford it. When I was young my parents always told me to save money for bad times. Now I feel that the bad times has come, not for me and not in the economic way,but for the climate and also for the enviroment. Those two are inseperable as the climate inflicts the enviroment deeply.

One of the latest news I found was that April this year is the warmest April ever on the earth. The map below shows us the difference from the normal temperature. The bigger the red dots are the bigger the difference are. It's, as you see, not only in the water the tempratures are higher than normal. And as you can see the difference from the average is largest over land areas.

It's not only that April has been the warmest April ever, the period from January till April has also been the warmest first four months on the earth so far. All these number has been taken from NOAA. So it's also numbers that are quite believable.

Another survey that has been published lately claims that the temperature of the occeans has been steadily rising for the last 16 years. In the study  they say that "the top 2,300 feet (700 meters) of the world's oceans warmed 0.64 watts per square meter from 1993 to 2008. That's equal to adding the energy from 100 million atomic bombs to the ocean each year during the 16-year period, said John Lyman of the University of Hawaii".

Water is also considered to be a better indicator for global warming as the temperature of water gets slower warmer or colder than air or land. And if the temperature in the water will continue it's rise in average temperature as the rest of the earth also gets hotter, many species of water wildlife will have to adjust to this. Places that before was perfect for one species may be to hot in a few years, or maybe already now. It's already speculations in Norway that the cod may stop egglaying in the Lofoten district of Norway and start doing it further north, maybe even longer north than Norway.

So if we wanna keep the earth as close to the balance it has made, we better listen to the message our earth sends us, beging to produce less CO2 or other climate gases..

søndag 16. mai 2010

A new agreement for the use of the water from the Nile causing conclict

The day after I decided to make a blog based on the idea of water, the news that some of the upstream countries of the Nile had made an treaty on how to share the water of  the Nile. At a meeting in Entebbe, Uganda, Rwanda, Etiopia, Uganda og Tanzania agreed to sign this agreement thats a framework for further agreements. Kenya also supports this idea, while the countries of DR Congo and Burundi was not present at the negotiations.

lørdag 15. mai 2010


A couple of days ago when I was walking up in the mountain, or to be honest, up in a hillside, I met a lot of water. Some of it was water as fluid, some it was running down the hill, some of it was transformed to ice. The newest from the previous night, some of it, maybe months old. And then there was water as snow. I still had to walk in snow that could had reached me up to my knees, but thanks to a hard layer of ice crust on the top it was ok to walk there. Above me, there was a few clouds scattered around; just showing what a beautiful day it was. Once again, more water. This time as gas.

When I was walking I had the chance to think. My mind was really concerned with all the water around me, and I felt lucky. Just like I was in a paradise. Here it seems like we never run out of water, and we always have enough of water running in the ground. While water is becomming a more and more scarce ressource around the world, here it's abundant.

So to show a little bit about the beauty of the water, a little about the trouble the water gets us into and even more the trouble the lack of water gets us into, I started to write this blog. Hope you'll enjoy it.